Functional upgrades in 2024. Intelligent frequency conversion with three different sound wave frequencies, covering a frequency range of 20KHZ-60KHZ, can more effectively deal with various types of pests and keep your family away from pest infestation
Green Way To Repel Pests: Throw away harmful poisons, hazardous chemicals and traps commonly, which always used in households and control technicians. Ultrasound is inaudible to humans and household pets. It is an eco-friendly alternative to harmful and dangerous chemicals, poisons and traps, no unpleasant odors
Working principle Repeller:Ultrasonic insect indoor repellents use ultrasound to stimulate the brain neurons of pests. Long term stimulation can cause damage to the neurons of pests, thereby achieving the goal of expelling pests
Energy-efficient and cost-effective. Its power consumption ranges from 3 to 5 W, which is lower than that of standard small desk lamps. It operates without batteries, simply requiring a plug for use, effectively delivering low energy usage and high performance.
Work progress process:The typical results can take 1-2 weeks depending on the severity of the pest infestation. Mostly can see the electronic pest repellent results within 3-4 weeks! Then we can say goodbye to pests and mice! Note: To keep the pest from coming back continued use is recommended